written by xx

To feel your breath is like living in a dream.
Our tears are formed together as silk, it fits. with each other. just like us.
To hear your voice in my ear is like watching a box of glittering jewels.
Everything feels so new to me every day with you stranger.
Every day there is something new, every day of the boxes you me, your happy smile makes me gone.
Away from reality, and that's when I feel its best. With up-package, accompanied-alone.
But you need me.
And I need you.
written by, me
ph1 by, me
Our tears are formed together as silk, it fits. with each other. just like us.
To hear your voice in my ear is like watching a box of glittering jewels.
Everything feels so new to me every day with you stranger.
Every day there is something new, every day of the boxes you me, your happy smile makes me gone.
Away from reality, and that's when I feel its best. With up-package, accompanied-alone.
But you need me.
And I need you.
written by, me
ph1 by, me
Madame from africa

« ph1greenhow ph2 dream to fly ph3 lovedog ph4 african man »
fragrance sachet/old necklaces

wonderful fragrance sachet, a pity that it is like perfume. necklace I got from Grandma. thanks
doftpåse och gamla halsband mormor gav mig.
doftpåse och gamla halsband mormor gav mig.
you do not dare to leave it, the bow you have read the
översätt till svenska om du inte gillar engelska texter - översättning
You see me, I know it. I know that you look at me, I know that you want, I know that if you were with me had you understood me.
We are next to each other, you are closer to me and I feel your fragrance . Your sweet fragrance that makes it difficult to think clearly. You look at me with your velvet eyes and I can almost hard to stand up straight.
And when you show your emotions with your tender kisses makes it difficult for me to give something back. But it is not easy, every time you leave me I think back on everything that you caused, you ruined everything for me, I will have to build a wall for myself. But every time you stand in front of me. Destroyed my wall again.
I grow old wound, just to think about it. But only so there is no cure.
I need you, around you and your love. Without knowing that you are, there's no chance for me to able to continue. And you know it. And as soon as you approach so begins my breath, breathing faster, my heart rate increases and I become as ossified.
You are my drug.
You are my life.
written by, me

We are next to each other, you are closer to me and I feel your fragrance . Your sweet fragrance that makes it difficult to think clearly. You look at me with your velvet eyes and I can almost hard to stand up straight.
And when you show your emotions with your tender kisses makes it difficult for me to give something back. But it is not easy, every time you leave me I think back on everything that you caused, you ruined everything for me, I will have to build a wall for myself. But every time you stand in front of me. Destroyed my wall again.
I grow old wound, just to think about it. But only so there is no cure.
I need you, around you and your love. Without knowing that you are, there's no chance for me to able to continue. And you know it. And as soon as you approach so begins my breath, breathing faster, my heart rate increases and I become as ossified.
You are my drug.
You are my life.
written by, me

patti'smith #02
Förövrigt, medans jag inte lyssnar på Patti smiths härliga sångröst och tittar på hennes unika fotografier,tänkte jag bara säga att om en timma ska jag äntligen fara till baletten, har inte dansat på typ 2 veckor snart :)
patti'smith 70´s

chelsea dirck's . past away . far away

this is very good. I like it, I love it. Its moore than a text, it´s kind of a great stroy, u know. And thats how I want it.
once you learn'


I call it D´style
nej,mina vänner. nu ska jag ta och få i mig lite käk. sen ska jag leta fram alla uppvisnings kläder!
Ikväll.18.00.uppträder vi! på ålands musikinstitut om det var oklart haha!
you said you wanted "it", here you have it.

helg mina vänner!

känns som det var 100 år sedan jag berättade om typ vardag etc, men jag gillar inte att skriva sånt! Mycket roligare med bilder! fast det är kul att läsa vänners vardagar!
Iallafall,snart ska jag på dans, senare på Open by night =) och imorgon på bio!
Yapp,nu vet ni vart jag befinner mig i helgen =)
hoppas ni alla får en toppen helg!
Collection 2010 spring/summer

den hel svarta bikinin är min favorit! ♥
Nej hörrni, först ska vi ha höst och vinter!


from Elliott Collection and LB
"you are to me,
when we are together.
then we can conquer all."
when we are together.
then we can conquer all."
"tu sei per me,
quando siamo insieme.
allora siamo in grado di conquistare tutti."
quando siamo insieme.
allora siamo in grado di conquistare tutti."
~I N S P I R A T I O N~

notera: ny kategori!
+ I N S P I R A T I O N +